Institute Research Activity Development Programmes
News Gerontology
Anton Trstenjak Institute
Publications / Quality of Old Age Back

VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1-4, 2000

Local network of intergenerational programmes for quality ageing

The author in his article presents his own concept of intergenerational programmes for quality ageing. He explains the term "social network" and summarizes the knowledge reached while developing and introducing programmes for quality ageing. The following 6 programmes are: programme for rising of awareness of all the population about quality of old age and the necessity of preparing on old age; programme for better relations and communication with an elder family member; programme for preparing for quality ageing after the retirement; programme personal companionship with a lonely old person, programme intergenerational groups for quality ageing; programme the local self-organisation of a network into the local association for quality ageing.

Key words: social network, old people, self support, intergenerational relations

Satisfying non-material needs of the elderly people in the groups for good quality of old age

The article discusses the problems of elderly from the point of view of the non-material social needs and the role of the self-support groups of old people in the municipality Žalec. The statistical projections are showing that in 2020 there will be twice as much of old people than today and therefore the acceptance of the old age and its tasks will become an absolute goalto be reached in order to achieve good quality of old age. Research confirms that "post-industrial" self-support groups of old people are a very convenient form for satisfying non-material needs of the elderly with regards to human relations. Therefore emphasis has to be put on the non-material need of better communication between older and younger two generations.

Key words: ageing, old people, self-support groups, non-material social needs

Images of ageing: gender inequalities

The demographic explosion of older population is described in the first part of the article. Great stress is put on the distinction between the two sexes. The problem of elderly is presented from the gender inequality point of view. Emphasis is given to the problems older women are facing. It was established that they have more problems than older men. The author investigates the quality of life of older women from the point of view of their health, housing conditions, economic situation, marital status and human relations. In a conclusion a declaration about elderly people in the 21st century is made.

Key words: elderly people, ageing, gender inequality

Activities within the self-support groups for old people in the old people’s home Franc Salamon Trbovlje

The article gives a preview of the activities within the self support groups in old people’s home Franc Salamon in Trbovlje. The past and the present situation of the eight year programme are presented. The main activities of each group, the role of the leaders and the cooperation amongst the members are analyzed upon the previous years’ activities.

Key words: old age, ageing, self-support group, group activities


The author presents the manifestation of depressions, their beginning and healing process. Great stress is put on the late period of life.

Key words: depression, elderly

Alcohol and elderly people

The article presents some data on how much alcohol is spread out, especially among older people. Emphasis is also on the problems caused by alcohol, directions on treatment and prognostic. In the conclusion several instructions for moderate drinking of alcohol are given.

Key words: alcohol, elderly

Rules for better communication and behavior in self-support groups

The author presents his cognitions about self-support groups. These cognitions refer to communication and rules for behavior in the group. There are four main principles that have to be respected in the group: rules about the communication, listening, discretion and intimacy. In conclusion twelve rules for communication and behavior are described. All members of the group are given these rules.

Key words: group, communication, rules of behavior in the group

Social work with elderly people in Russia

The paper describes the notion "old family" which includes various types of the families. The authors present the social and psychological problems of elderly people. They also introduce the social work and social services for the elderly in Russia.

Key words: family types, loneliness, social problems of old people

The cognitions from a three years experience of managing the network programme Geriatry and gerontology at the Open Society Institute-Slovenia

The author briefly introduces the work of the Open Society Institute (OSI) and describes the slovenian programme Geriatric and gerontology. She gives an insight on the OSI projects conducted in 15 European countries.

Key words: open society institute, old people


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