VOLUME 5, NUMBER 4, 2002
dignity of elderly persons in European care systems
Both the absolute number and
the relative percentage of elderly people are growing in
a number of Council of Europe member
States. The availability and quality of health and social
care services are important determinants
of health and well-being for this group. The needs of vulnerable
elderly people are being recognised
as a priority in public policy-making and in the allocation
of resources within all the Council
of Europe countries. Yet there are some countries that
are more successfully developing different
services for elderly people than others. Services available
for dependent elderly people in
9 chosen countries will be shown through the case, given
at the multilateral seminar of Council in Europe "Ensuring
dignity of elderly persons in formal and informal care
held in Budapest on 7th-8th November, 2002.
Key words: old people, health
care, social care, case study in few countries

Local intergenerational
centres - the heart of modern programmes for quality
ageing and connection
between generations
Jože Ramovš
The article deals with modern
programmes for quality ageing in the whole third period
of life, with a special emphasis on the
current possibilities for connecting generations. It is
focused on the Slovenian case; for instance, Slovenia is
on the one hand among the leading world countries with
its retirement system and old peoples homes, and on the
other hand with some other programmes far behind even some
less developed countries. Local community centres for elderly
people are one example. In the conclusion the author introduces
the idea of local community centres for quality ageing,
that would add to the local community's care for elderly
people, modern centres for connection of all three generations.
Key words: intergenerational
centre, connectedness between generations, programmes for
quality ageing, local community programmes

Day centre
Akácos Udvar
Day centres are one alternative
to the institutional elderly care. They are in contrast
to Eastern countries well developed in Western European
countries. In the latter ones, the development of services
that allow disabled elderly people to live longer in their
homes, took place
only in the last decade. We will present a
day centre in Budapest that has a long history and was
the first of its kind in Hungary. In contrast to Slovenian
day care centres, Hungarian centres are not organised within
Old peoples homes.
Key words: day centre, Akácos
Udvar, Budapest, activities

The role
models of volunteers in the intergenerational programmes
for quality ageing
Polona Felicijan
The diploma thesis describes,
how the volunteers experience their role models for age.
It is written on the basis of essays,
which volunteers wrote during the education for leaders
of groups for intergenerational relationships.
The study emanates from awareness of characteristics of
the third generation period, the
characteristics of the quality aging procedure and the
meaning of intergenerational relations.
Our results have shown, on which human characteristics
the volunteers are attentive and what kind
of life the volunteers want to live, when they get old.
Most important among the characteristics
of the role models is orderly appearance of the senior,
facial mimic and the eye glance, good will
and firmness, optimism in life, but above all the ability
to create good relations. The largest homogenous
groups of role models represent grandparents (25%) and
parents (18%). Interesting is the fact that the gender
is not determining for the choice of the role model because
one third of female volunteers describe a male as their role
model for
Key words: quality
age, old people - role models for age, intergenerational
relationships, forwarding of experience,
interpersonal relations, human values

Psychooncology or psychosocial
oncology captures intrapsychological processes, social
aspects and social frameworks of oncological
patient. The incidence of cancer is still increasing in
Slovenia. People are looking at this
disease very pessimistically. There are many reasons for
incidence of cancer. Patients react to
this diagnosis very differently. Patients expectations
and their coping with the disease are important
factors in the course of treatment. Treatment of cancer
patients is a very complex matter. It is important
that the patient receives psychiatric treatment in all
phases of the disease. Relatives are also
participating in the course of treatment.
Key words: psychooncology,
frequency of cancer, incorrect acceptance of disease, the
possibilities of medical treatment, psychological