NUMBER 2, 2003
Social pathology and ageing
Jože Ramovš
The article derives from cognitions and experiences gained
through the courses for better relations and communication
with an older family member. The main cognitions are that
social pathology in old age is just as frequent phenomenon
as physical and mental illness, that it is very damaging
for good interpersonal relations and that in a psycho-somatic
way causes and aggravates physical and mental illness. The
author defines social pathology in the third period of life.
While introducing several types of social pathology he focuses
the article on serious social disturbances in interpersonal
relations; as the most common ones he mentions nuisance,
bitterness and pessimism of an old person. He gives few suggestions
on how to overcome problems deriving from everyday social
pathology and the possibilities for its prevention. The basis
for these suggestions is authors cognition that one must
- in order to live a quality life- devote throughout his
life one hour weekly to good personal communication with
positive people of all three generations.
Keywords: old age,
social pathology in old age, therapy, prevention 
Quality of life on the verge of old age - with whose help?
Petra Kersnič
The article is about the care for old people in the third
period of life. The health system has more and more difficulties
due to limited resources, demographical changes and growing
needs of the population. Therefore, we are facing a complete
reform of the health system in Slovenia. The author introduces
the health care system and describes the nurses work. More
and more services that were provided within the institutions
are now moving into home environment. This demands adequate
organization of experts, especially of district nurses. At
the same time the volunteer work is becoming an important
part of care for elderly people. Health care as a health
discipline has many challenges to face in the future - mainly
it will require more experts, especially for home care
Keywords: old age, health service, health, health care, nurse,
volunteer work  Management of demented patients in Norway
Knut Engedal
The article discusses the situation of demented persons
in Norway. Norway, as a welfare state has established a variety
of social and health care services to persons with dementia
and their caregivers, since dementia affects both patients
and their caregivers. The author emphasizes the importance
of a correct diagnosis for treatment. He also stresses the
importance of differentiating the dementia syndrome from
normal ageing and cognitive impairment. Although none of
the disorders that cause dementia are treatable, much can
be done to relieve the patients symptoms and caregivers
burden. Services for these patients and their caregivers
in Norway are provided by primary and specialist health care.
Expert centres are mainly established within the field of
geriatric psychiatry and departments of geriatric medicine.
Keywords: dementia, diagnosing, assessment, drug treatment, health
and social care 
Few information on Czech Alzheimer Association
Iva Holmerová, Hana Janečková
In this article the authors shortly present the Czech Alzheimer
Association. Readers will get the information on how the
idea about this association emerged, what were the reasons
for founding it, about its symbol-dragon fly. The authors
briefly introduces the main activities of the Association
and also the most recent publications.
Keywords: Czech Azheimer
Association, activities 
Stress in advanced years
Vinko Razboršek
The author first discusses about stress inducer and stress
reaction. He emphasizes that a certain level of stress can
be positive, however it is necessary to prepare for harmful
stress. Stress can cause many diseases. Stress reaction can
be seen in different ways; with symptoms of long-term stress,
acute stress reaction, posttraumatic stress disorder and
adjustment disturbance. It is good that one learns how to
control stress or at least reduce it. Is old age already
a stress inducer?
Keywords: stress inducers, stress reaction,
controlling of stress situations 
Programme of exercises at osteoporosis
Vrtačnik Marija
The author presents the adopted programme of exercises that
reduce the risk of osteoporosis. There are four types of
exercises that should be followed: exercises for carrying
weight, exercises against resistance, exercises for correction
of poise and exercises of the balance. In the last part the
author gives some practical advices that should be taken
into account in the everyday life work.
Keywords: osteoporosis,
elderly people