NUMBER 3, 2003
Patterns of Religious Practice and Belief in the Last Year
of Life
Ellen L. Idler, Stanislav V. Kasl, Judith C.Hays
Objectives. Although it is frequently assumed that issues
of religious faith become more salient at the end of life,
there is little or no population-based empirical evidence
testing this assumption.
Methods. Using data from the New Haven site of the NIA EPESE
project (N=2812), we examined self-reports of attendance
at services, self-ratings of religiousness, and strength
and comfort felt from religion for respondents who did and
did not die within 12 months following an interview. Religiousness
was assessed at baseline (1982) and in follow-up interviews
in 1985, 1988, and 1994. Cross-sectional comparisons of levels
of religiousness were made among 0-6-month deceased, 6-12-month
deceased, and 12-month survivors, and longitudinal comparisons
were made with religiousness at the previous wave.
Results. After adjusting for age, sex, education, marital
status, religious affiliation, and a set of health status
measures, we found that while attendance at religious services
declined among the near-deceased, this group showed either
stability or a small increase in feelings of religiousness
and strength/comfort received from religion. Overall levels
of attendance and religious feelings were high for this religiously
diverse sample.
Discussion. Community studies of respondents in their last
year of life are rare. In this sample, religious involvement
appears to continue throughout the last months of life.
Keywords: old people, religious practices, belief

Giving life to the years - religiousness in old age. An example
from Swiss Confederation.
Ljudmila Šemerl-Schmid
The authoress, a Slovene expatriate from the European ecumenically
conscientious Basel in Switzerland reports about Swiss national
joint project (NFP 32 - Höpflinger et al, 1999) on old age
(28 projects) in 1999. Furthermore she discusses the recent
Swiss "culture of health-care, old age and dying" and
general awareness for religious questions (also thematic
exhibitions) even in Swiss multicultural respect. Swiss contribution
on longevity to World Summit on Old Age (Madrid, 2002) introduced
the notion of "society of long life" and SWILSO-O
study in Geneva (CIG, 2001) proved how religiousness influenced
the survival of the oldest old. According to feminisation
of old age the authoress from her personal experience describes
two projects of spirituality; maximum quality of life in
old age in Swiss religious order of Charitable sisters of
the Holly Cross from Ingebohl/Schwyz and the minimal ecumenical
intergenerational project of WDP (World Day of Prayer since
1887) also known in Slovenia since 2000.
Keywords: Switzerland, old people, religiousness, Cheritable
sisters of the Holy Cross, NFP 32 longevity, quality of life,
World Day of Prayer
and facts on ageing and elderly people
Simona Hvalič Touzery
The process of ageing is associated to stereotypes on ageing
that are mostly negative. Elderly people are understood as
a group of people that cannot give much more to the world
around them. Old age is also seen as a period of life that
is inevitably facing serious psychological and physical changes
that cause decrease in creativity of elderly people. A frequent
stereotype is that eldery people are the burden for the society.
Another one, that they live isolated and nonsexual life.
Elderly people are supposed to be homogeneous group that
is different from others. The reality is different. The author
will take you through the most common stereotypes on elderly
people and some facts that that prove them wrong.
Keywords: elderly, stereotypes, tabuisation

Programmes for quality ageing and good intergenerational relations
in the parish and other religious communities
Dr. Jože Ramovš
In Slovenia and all over the Europe, the parish
as a main religious community is an important factor of social
networks for good relations among young, middle aged and
older generations and of help to frail elderly people. In the
following article the biblical Christian doctrine on good intergenerational
relations and old age is described. It also presents
the actual, widespread ways of elder care and connecting among
different generations in a parish. The analysis of the
current situation shows that, under current circumstances,
family and neighbours cannot perform their traditional
roles; transferring personal experiences between generations,
assuring sufficient connection among them in everyday
life and caring for elderly people. These assignments are performed
by different groups and organizations on the principle
of personal decision of every individual to involve in,
and for lifelong learning. These days we have to learn
how to communicate and cooperate better in order to reach
better relations among generations and quality ageing.
The article describes several modern programmes of this
kind in the parishes. In addition to that, it focuses
on the possibilities to introduce eight programmes also in
parishes. These programmes are developed and implemented
by the Anton Trstenjak Institute in many Slovenian municipalities:
programme for rising of awareness within the parish about
quality of old age and the necessity of preparing on
old age, short courses for better relations with family members
and even more with an elder family members, a course
for preparing on quality ageing after the retirement, a course
for better understanding of the younger two generations,
personal companionship with a lonely old person, small
intergenerational groups for quality ageing. The last
two programmes function on the basis of well trained volunteers.
The founding of the parochial intergenerational centre
is a great modern possibility for all these programmes
and many other programmes for elderly to be performed
there in a close relation with young and middle age generations.
In the last part of the article, special methodology
for activity of parochial intergenerational group for quality
ageing is introduced.
Keywords: old age, parish, good intergenerational
relations, elderly care, pastoral intergenerational centre,
intergenerational pastoral programmes