NUMBER 2, 2004
Love and space in the nursing home
Karen Bermann
Nursing homes and other institutions designed
for persons with impairments are not, in fact, designed for
persons with impairments. They are typically designed for
the impairments, not the persons, and thereby become a part
of the problem by reinforcing physical and cultural manifestations
of the impairments. In the essay that follows, I describe
an architectural design project in which students were asked
to make changes to an existing nursing home for the persons
who lived there. This requires not only becoming familiar
with the spaces, but with the persons themselves and designing
space to help articulate their voices and being.
Key words: Alzheimer’s disease,
architecture, bioethics, disability, long-term care, nursing

Old people’s homes from the perspective of personal life
and good interpersonal relations
Joe Ramovš
Five percent of the third generation
in Europe needs institutional care. Slovenia has a good
public social network of old people’s homes. In the last
few years Slovenia is also implementing day care, adult
foster care and sheltered accommodations. We are about
to introduce house communities and hospice houses. Quality
of life in institutions for elderly people depends on the
level to which their material and non-material needs are
met. Commonly, the material needs are much more assured
than personal and interpersonal nonmaterial needs. In order
to improve the quality of interpersonal relationships,
institutions have to increase individualisation, intimacy,
solidarity, capacity for personal communication, and protection
of the employed from occupational pathology when working
with people. This article describes one such project, developed
and implemented by the Anton Trstenjak Institute. It is
comprised of five levels: the management of the institution,
the personnel, all the users, all the relatives and the
social environment of the institution. The project is conceptually
and methodically concentrated on intensive social learning
about the old age and the complementary intergenerational
connections, on training for good intergenerational communication,
on the cooperation of volunteers with the institution and
on permanent protection of personnel from occupational
pathology. This project consists of several programmes:
the programmes for raising awareness on the level of the
community, the intensive short courses in the small groups
for representatives of all five levels, the programmes
for self-organisation of a new social network of personal
companionship and intergenerational groups based on the
principle of voluntariness, the club of relatives, the
intervison groups for personnel and other programmes aimed
to better inclusion of the institution into the local community
Key words: institutional care
for elderly, personal life in the institution for elderly,
good interpersonal relations in the institution for elderly,
the institution for elderly and social environment

Institutional care of old people in Slovenia
Lidija Apohal-Vučkovič
The article examines the institutional
care of old people in Slovenia. In the first part, the
author presents the dynamics of founding of the old people’s
homes, describes different forms of institutional care
and their accessibility. Furthermore, she discusses the
restoration of the information system for old people’s
homes, which will enable a review of the number of people
on the waiting lists for admission into old people’s home
and faster accessibility of the information. In addition
to that, the article examines the ways of payment for institutional
care. The last part of the paper debates on the future
development of care for elderly people in Slovenia.
Key words: institutional care, old people's homes,
day-care centres, adult foster care, finances, old people,

Parochial old people's homes
Tone Kompare
The author describes the first Slovenian
old people's home, established by a parish. He outlines
the challenges and problems he had to face while establishing
such home. He presents, based on his own experiences, several
aspects that need to be taken into account while creating
an old people's home of this kind. He also critically evaluates
the position of such old people's homes in the society.
In addition to that, he describes the way the mentioned
home operates, gives its specifics and some arguments why
this kind of institutions are important as well. The author
also mentions the distress of old people when they start
living in old people's home and the ways of overcoming
Key words: parochial old people's
home, Home of Martha and Mary, old people, parish, Slovenia

Assisted Therapy in Old people’s home Ptuj
Nada Fišer, Kristina Dokl
The authors present and discuss the results
of the project "Animal
Assisted Therapy (AAT)" that is being implemented in
Old people's home Ptuj since June 2002. They have introduced
animals into various activities of the Old people's home.
The authors are presenting the cases where the presence
of animals had a positive effect on old people.
Key words: old people, animal
assisted therapy, dementia, alcoholism, old people's home

Elder care in the municipality Laško
Darja Trupi
The Programme for the Development of
Care for the Elderly Until the Year 2005 introduced, parallel
to institutional care, organized community help for old
people. In the municipality of Laško many different non-institutional
and institutional social services for elderly people exist.
This article deals with the latest, with the emphasis on
the results of the study on home help. The author describes
also the case of adult foster care.
Key words: social work, institutional
social welfare programmes in Laško municipality, adult
foster care