NUMBER 1, 2005
An integrated approach to the health of
the elderly people in Slovenia: literature review from 1994
to June 2004
Majda Pahor, Barbara Domajnko
The article presents the study of the extent and type of
the published knowledge about the health of elderly people
in Slovenia. The fundamental purpose is to find out whether
this knowledge provides grounds for an integrated approach.
The aim is to identify the main themes, disciplines, their
potential integration, main concepts and implicit theories
of aging. Literature review is used as the method of data
collection and analysis.
The results are twofold. The database comprises expert and
scientific publications in Slovenia after 1994. The table
of categories maps the conceptualization of elderly people's
health. It is found out that elderly people are represented
primarily as aging bodies, highly prone to risk and illness.
As such they present a potential problem and a threat in
the sense of a great burden to the society at large. Data
testify to the prevalent position of the functionalist theoretical
perspective on aging and the bio-medical model of treatment
of the elderly. They both contribute to a great extent to
the medicalization of aging.
Key words: elderly people,
health, integrated (holistic) approach, literature review

The oldest old in Slovenia: a demographical overview
Simona Hvalič Touzery
The whole world is facing the phenomenon of the ageing of
population. In the next ten years, one third of the European
population will be older than 60. However, the fastest growing
group are the oldest old. This group of people has specific
needs and characteristics, yet in Slovenia the studies up
to now didn't give much attention to the oldest old. Therefore,
this article is mainly based on foreign sources and the existing
Slovenian demographical data. This article discusses the
demographical specifics of the oldest old in Europe and Slovenia.
In addition to this, the author examines this age group,
emphasizes their heterogenity and sets the grounds for future
Slovenian studies.
Key words: oldest
old, demography, EU, Slovenia

The duties of a network manager in the intergenerational
programmes for quality ageing
Mateja Eržen
The article is based on the practical experiences and knowledge
that the author gathered through her work in the intergenerational
programmes for quality ageing. She outlines six smaller programmes
that are carried out within one general programme of the
Slovenian intergenerational association for quality ageing.
She focuses mainly on the practical duties, activities and
concrete findings. The author emphasizes the necessity for
existence of the profession of "network manager" within
the nongovernmental sector. The work of a network manager
has two important characteristics that are intertwined: friendly
relations with volunteers and a professional approach at
the work management.
Key words: old age,
voluntary work, the network of intergenerational programmes,
companionship, group leader, intergenerational association

Gerontology and geriatric in Czech society
Iva Holmerová
The author briefely describes historical development and
current position of geriatry and gerontology in Czech republic.
It includes also some information on the National action
plan for preparing on ageing of the population.
Key words: gerontology,
geriatric, Czech society
