NUMBER 3, 2006
Violence against the elderly: The research of printed media
Katja Tomažič, Alenka Zorč
The research focuses on the relation
between printed media and violence against the elderly,
as well as on the content
of the articles, dealing with violent acts. This research
tends to answer the following questions: how often do articles
about violence against the elderly appear in newspapers,
in which columns, how do journalists present the topic
(style of presentation), what is the nature of the violent
who was the perpetrator, what was the perpetrator's motive
for the violent act, where and when did the violent act
happen, what was the victim' s reaction and what were the
for the victim and for the perpetrator. The analysis of
the research shows, that in most cases young male perpetrators
financialy damaged older female victimis, which often suffered
also physical injuries.
Key-words: violence, the elderly,
printed media

The relatives' experiencing of caring for demented people
Silva Ljubej, Nataša Verdinek
In this article the authors
presented the problems that family members of demented
people are facing in their homes, which
formal and informal services are available to them and
which currently non-existing health and social protection
would be of help to them. Through analysis of the interviews
with family members of demented people, demented people
themselves and professional workers from the fields of health
and social
protection care, the problems and possible forms of assistance
were shown. Caring for a person with dementia was a heavy
psychological and physical burden for family members of
demented people. Carers were also expressing the lack of
concerning dementia and the consequences. Currently the
network of formal and informal help is not developed well.
The available
assistance is too expensive. They have established that
professional workers were facing the lack of knowledge concerning
and they were often unable to offer their users an adequate
Key words: old age and ageing, dementia, formal help,
informal help, caring for a person with dementia at home,
members' burdens

The potentials and needs of the third generation in the
Slovenian municipality Komenda
Jože Ramovš
The article reports on the extensive research
on the representative sample of the population older than
60 years in the municipality
Komenda. This municipality that lies in the central part
of Slovenia is well developed and has 4.500 inhabitants.
In the year 2005, the Anton Trstenjak Institute of gerontology
and intergenerational relations carried out a study as
a first step of the implementation of the system of public
programmes for quality ageing and solidarity between young,
middle and third generation in the municipality for the
decades. In the introduction the author presented the intention,
framework and the course of
study as well as defined the third generation. The theoretical
starting-point of his study is the attention on the abilities
and the needs of the third generation, from the aspect
of an old person in her physical, emotional, spiritual,
developmental and residential dimension. The second point
of the study and all planned programmes in the municipality
is the inseparable connection between quality ageing and
solidarity between young, middle and the third generation.
The central part of the article brings demographical data
on the studied population, especially based on age groups,
educational structure and material situation. All these
indexes show a positive picture, with the highest level
of unused
possibilities discovered during the education of the third
generation. The article also gives the overview of some
of the information on the capacities and the needs on the
vital areas of ageing: physical mobility, emotional freshness
and social flexibility in human relations. The situation
on the physical level is satisfactory. The weakest part
of the sustenance and strengthening the emotional capability
is the quantity of the passive TV watching. On the social
sphere of maintaining and strengthening the human relations
one of the good possibilities is their great preparedness
for intergenerational volunteering. The article brings
a part of the basic information on this most extensive
systematic study of the third generation ever done on the
municipality level. The whole study was published in the
popular form at the municipality Komenda. They used the
results and the knowledge to prepare their plan of care
for elderly
and solidarity among generations for the next decades.
With this year, they also started making a complex local
centre with the programmes to help the family with old
member and old people at their home, day care, respite
care, old
people's home as a concept of a household groups, with
numerous programmes based on voluntary work including all
three generations,
sheltered housing and programmes for informing the community
on quality ageing and good intergenerational relations.
words: third generation, Komenda, good intergenerational
relations, needs, abilities

Laško Senior Centre
Irenca Kovčan, Marjeta Ferlež
The authors briefly present
a demographic picture of the municipality of Laško. Due
to the ageing population, the
needs for the community services are growing. The local
intergenerational centres are among the cheapest. Yet they
are a very efficient
way of connecting numerous programs for good quality of
old age in the community. The authors are discussing the
side of such centres and describe the start up of Laško
Senior Centre. In addition to this, she presents the results
a study on the attitude of retired people to such centres.
The final part of the article discussess how the Centre
works in practice.
Key words: municipality of Laško, Senior
Centre, old people