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The group meetings are held on a weekly basis and they help elderly people to reach quality ageing, reduce the problem of loneliness among elderly people and the bridge between different generations. The meetings are usually hour and half long and they take place in public or (rarely) private place, preferably near to its members home. In groups people talk about different topics in connection with their personal experience. It is important that positive topics are chosen most of the times. The group can have also other activities as for example singing, storytelling, herbalism, etc. but the heart of the group always remains time of personal conversation. Usually members give the group a name that they can identify with. Group leaders are trained at the Institute of Anton Trstenjak and the institute keeps up with their volunteer work.



Neva, the member of intergenerational group Alpsko resje: In the times before I joined the group I was quite a bittered person and I have had trouble trusting other people. I have been a member of this group for six years now and I feel like I am among people that care for me. We laugh together, we share our good experiences, we listen to each other and to sum it all up, that hour of group gathering is warming me up for the whole week, until we meet again.

© 2010 - Inštitut Antona Trstenjaka za gerontologijo in medgeneracijsko sožitje