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PROJEKT: SoGraP - Potencial socialnega gradienta za zmanjšanje neenakosti v zdravju starejših

It is not easy to remember important risk factors and to control them a comprehensive way. Normally we consider them separately which makes the insight in their mutual influence difficult. With the help of the Healthy-and-Active-Life octagon (HAL octagon) is it possible to control them with one look with the octagram which reflects individual health status.

It is not easy to remember important risk factors and to control them a comprehensive way. Normally we consider them separately which makes the insight in their mutual influence difficult. With the help of the Healthy-and-Active-Life octagon (HAL octagon) is it possible to control them with one look with the octagram which reflects individual health status.

 Picture 1 is the HAL octagon. Each of the eight parts represents one risk factor, estimated at the three point scale. Point 1 is a bad score; the risk factor endangers health and is not considered in a proper way. Point 2 represents a not-so-bad situation, but additional interventions are necessary. Point 3 is either normal or to normal corrected situation. The inside shadowed area is an unhealthy life with morbidity, the hole in the middle is the door to eternity. The outside bright area stands for a more or less healthy life-style. A regular octagon is a picture of complete control of risk factors.

 Let’s imagine one 70 years old man with hypertension, corrected to normal by regular medication. Blood sugar is normal, cholesterol is moderately elevated but he does not care. A non-smoker who drinks a glass of wine or two every day, sometimes a little bit more. He eats everything not always in accordance with the healthy eating and has slightly elevated BMI. His physical activity is moderate and should be more regular. All data make the octagram on picture 2. His life-style is relatively healthy, it could however be still improved and octagram is reminding him where.       

                       Picture 1                                                Picture 2


The estimation of risk factors can be with higher number of scores more precise.   


© 2010 - Inštitut Antona Trstenjaka za gerontologijo in medgeneracijsko sožitje